Urban Exploration Links
- UER - Urban Exploration Resource
- Infiltration - The zine about going places you're not supposed to go
- What you need to know about trespassing in New York - Concise article on an important subject
Location Specific Links
- The Pines Hotel - The site that started it all for AllAbandoned.com
- Joe4Speed's Grossinger's Site - Comprehensive stories and photos spanning multiple decades
Cultural & Historic Preservation Links
- The Catskills: A Paradise Lost? - Extensive information about Catskills Borscht Belt hotels
- The Catskills Institute - Research and education on the significance of the Catskill Mountains
- New England Lost Ski Area Project - Info on hundreds of ski areas of the past
- Abandoned Hotels of the Catskills Borscht Belt - an article by Jonathan Haeber
- Wallpaper Aficionado - an extensive archive of historic & vintage wallpaper
Photographers & Urban Explorers
- Abandoned NY - A collection by WalkerPhotography
- Dieselducy - YouTube channel of perhaps the most prolific elevator explorer in America
- EscalatorsDotCo - YouTube channel of a friend from the elevator industry
- Memories Remain Photography - A collection by Richard Kuperberg Sr.
- New England Ruins - Photography by Rob Dobi
- Opacity.us - An extensive collection of UE photos by Mr. Motts
- O'Boyle Photography - Featuring a modern ruins gallery
- Rock My Camera Photography - A photo blog focused on music and UE
Think you know a site that is worthy of sharing? Contact us.