Fujitsu Focus EPABX Console

This is an operator's console for a Fujitsu Focus EPABX. It includes a standard telephone dial-pad on the right, along with a display that can indicate total amount spent in dollars and cents, time spent by date, or room number and message units. On the left, there are buttons labeled:
ALM and TM - Alarm and Time(?)
WU MR DD RR and MW - Wake up and (?)
EXC CLR - Exclude(?) and Clear(?)
And on the bottom there is a label taped on indicating hotel policies for operators:
No paging during meals, "Only Emergency"
***** Attention *****
By 10:00 each night all guest messages are to be sent to their rooms (by a bellhop)
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EXIF data
X-Resolution | 72 dpi |
Y-Resolution | 72 dpi |
Exposure | 0.067 sec (1/15) |
Aperture | f/3.5 |
Exposure Bias | 0 EV |
Focal Length | 18 mm |
Focal Plane X-Resolution | 4433.295337 dpi |
Focal Plane Y-Resolution | 4453.608247 dpi |
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Telecom geek alert! ;-)
-paintboy49dwj, 2010-02-16 00:51:16